Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The long struggle over justice at the ballot box took a huge hit from anti-democracy forces yesterday. The Supreme Court has declared an Indiana Republican effort to limit access to the polls constitutional. Bullshitting with a bogus fraud argument, the state GOP, well-aware of its minority appeal, sees limiting rural, poor, black, physically-handicapped, and elderly voters as one of the ways to maintain its power. (Some 12% of voting-age residents of Indiana don’t have driver’s license, btw, a serious number in an era of razor-thin margins.) Surprisingly, Stevens joined with Business Party man Roberts & the pallid Kennedy, while radical-reactionaries Scalia and Thomson (who don’t believe there is any right to vote) teamed up with Scalito, to say that this effort towards disenfranchisement was cool. Scalia, Thomas, & Scalito all wanted more, of course, in their effort to roll-back the 20th century. So Stevens, some say, strategically went this Plessy-way to keep the swinger Kennedy out of the clutches of the motherfuckerjudges, and allowing for future challenges to this appalling, partisan betrayal of democracy.

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