Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grotesque Old Party

A Republican member of Congress for South Carolina made the news last night for yelling “You lie” during President Obama’s speech. Apologizing by saying he got emotional -- emotionalizing politics is one of the hallmarks of fascism, which stresses irrationality and rage as organizing tools -- Addison Graves “Joe” Wilson showed once again how utterly mired in the lunatic fringe the Republicans have become. For what was he enraged about? I mean, besides the obvious reason that a black man is President, something this neo-con(federate) member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans must find one hell of an insult to his “heritage,” as they like to call it? That’s right, he was enraged that health-care might be provided to illegal migrants. The people who clean his toilets and mow his lawn. Another stalwart self-styled Christian shows his real colors.

Of course, there could be other reasons for his freak-out. Yesterday, a Republican California State Representative renowned for his homophobic “family values” resigned after boasting on live mic about fucking two different lobbyists, neither of whom was his wife. Michael Duvall goes into the history books for introducing the phrase “little eye-patch underwear” into the American political lexicon. Maybe Addy Joe’s got more than a hood in the closet and was sweating it out last night? God gravy, could he be stumping his maid?