Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

For your way of life

Iraq is just where they want it to be, supine, broken, occupied. And that is the way it will remain, for decades, even under the mainstream Democrats (the top three have all said there will be troops there when their first administration is done in 2013). Who likes it like that? For once the Ayn Rand-idoloter Alan Greenspan spoke the truth when he said it (DUH!) was all about the oil. The untold amounts of oil under those three old Ottoman provinces. Jim Holt lays it all out for all you drivers. Hell, it's your war.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Have you met nanosilver yet? They’re putting it into clothes, washing machines, and other things to KILL KILL KILL. All bacteria must die! The trouble of course is that bacteria is also good for you. You couldn’t digest food if not for the symbiotic bacteria in your gut. The bacteria in your mouth protects your teeth and fights off cooties. The bacteria crawling all over you skin right now acts as a frontline against the bad germs. We’re not actually alone on this planet, you know. Our bodies are complex systems made up of other lifeforms. Indeed, the very mitochondria powering our cells seems to have joined us long long ago, merging together with other cells. We've been chimeras for ever.

Washing machines? All these years not realizing how deadly our clothes are. What bullshit. Another manufactured necessity from the forces of biophobia, the killers of life.

62,000 or so manufactured chemicals in our environment, and we have no idea what most of them do, except collect in our bodies.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Jungle Redux

They fill their so-called "food" with shit, blood, and gore and then blame us for not cooking it fully? They've turned grass-eaters into grain eaters, resulting in animals that are essentially always sick, necessitating huge doses of antibiotics, and crowd them together so that they can share their diseases. They feed vegetarians with ground up animal parts and wonder where weird prions come from to rot out human brains. Take pig farms, for instance: surrounded by lakes of pigshit, they can't be entered unless you wear a biohazard suit.

Stop buying this perverse filth.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We understand that the capo of Blackwater is an "evangelical Christian" heavyweight. Pray tell, on what planet is this war profiteer, who needs the Iraq diasaster to continue for the good of his business, any kind of follower of Christ?