Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So Jay Bybee, torture memo signer, is really just a swell guy, not ideological at all, say his pals on this NPR piece. He shies away from controversy, so he passed John Woo’s “legal” reasoning for torture because he didn’t want to create any waves. Aw, isn’t tat tweet! Big baby Bybee. I bet he has pictures of his loved ones in his office, too. I wonder if he glanced their way when he decided not to upset the authoritarians who were his boss. Wouldn’t want to stand up for democracy and decency and humanity, good gravy no! No, by all means, let’s use torture, the tool of dictators, and fuck everything America stands for. Another gutless bureaucrat on the road to hell, which as ever is paved with the “banality of evil.” Amazingly, this criminal is now a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.