Thursday, October 30, 2008

spot on

Andrew Sullivan: "McCain has shown his character in this campaign: it's vicious, petty, lazy, reckless, vain and dishonorable. Campaigns do that. They reveal who someone really is."


Somethings never change.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Would-be tribune of the people Sarah Palin has been playing dress up on the RNC’s dime. $150,000-plus for her clothing allowance. Now, isn’t that special.

Hell, Ricky’s will sell you the wig for $49.99, the glasses for $9.99, the sash and glasses combo for $22.99. The special "sporty" edition of the wolf-killing M-16's only $9.99.

Friday, October 17, 2008


So “Joe the Plumber,” McBush’s best bud, isn’t a plumber, doesn’t make that much money, and is actually named Sam. Hmmm. So I guess his last name isn’t Sixpack. And that he isn’t married to a woman named “Hockey.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hate Talk Express

Have you seen them? The ones yelling “kill him” "traitor," and “terrorist” at McPalin rallies? The guy carrying a toy monkey with an “Obama” sticker around its head? The ignorant fool of a woman at the McPalin “town meeting” who said Obama was Arab, forcing McCain to correct her, and then try to salvage some of his dignity by defending his challenger, and being booed by his own supporters for doing so. (God, no wonder he called them "my fellow prisoners".)

So you’re voting for McPalin, eh, and you’re not personally a psychopath, racist asshole, or ignorant dumbfuck? OK, but you’ll still be known by the company you keep.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jonathan Raban nicely summarizeds Sarah Palin's nativist & reactionary populist appeal. Smells like national socialism to me.


So the polls tell us Indiana and other Bush-lovin’ states are very tight, forcing McPalin to campaign hard in what should be safe bets. But I think it’s a safer bet that Obama wont win Indiana. Why?

1. The Bradley Effect, in which white voters tell pollsters they will vote for a black candidate, but then don’t in the ballot box. That’s been figured as high as 7% in past elections.

2. The Supreme Court’s horrendous decision in April to deny voting rights to poor and rural and black Indianans: based on zero evidence of voter fraud, the state now demands a government-issued photo ID at the polls, and some 14.7% of the state’s potential electorate don’t have driver’s licenses, which are the de facto government issued ID.

Indiana, which nearly elected a Klansman governor in the 1920s until he was revealed to be dipping his white Protestant wicket in a woman not his wife (morality saves the day!), shows itself quite southern with this outrageous voter suppression law.

Combined with the usual dirty tricks, voter intimidation and suppression, voter list purges, and the denial of citizenship to 5.3 million people in the criminal justice system -- not to mention the inequitable distribution of voting machines, etc. -- the race is already cooked in some states. (Check out the Brennan Center's report here; an example of the New Jim Crow: in three states, 20% of the black male residents can't vote because they're serving, or have served, time). There’s been very little attention paid to these issues, which are hardly new. There was some news about a Virginia effort to strip college students of their voting rights, but that brought howls and was abandoned.

Simply put, as a minority-appeal faction, the GOP must aggressively cheat, and has to count on low voter turn-out. For instance, remember the so-called Gingrich Revolution? Less than a quarter of the American electorate actually voted for it .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My politics

Basically, there’s one political party with two fractious wings. I sometimes call it the Business Party, sometimes the Corporate Party. Its antecedents took power early on – from the beginning, actually, in a revolution from above of landed aristo-wannabes and merchants, and its incarnations have been called (by Andrew Jackson) the Money Power, and (by the Abolitionists) the Slave Power. Today, it’s a corporate-dominated, neoliberal version of capitalism in which the wealthiest one percent of the population owns more than the bottom 50%, and its tenets are shared across a rather narrow “bipartisan” spectrum. (“Neoliberalism” is essentially laissez-faire capitalism on a global scale with the largest military in the world backing it up.) The $700B transfer of the commonwealth to corrupt Wall Street speculators and usurious bankers shows that synergy quite nicely. As did Bill Clinton’s kowtowing fealty to the bond market.

The “right wing” of this ruling party is called Republican; the “left wing” is called Democrat. In a corporate polity, that “left” is in no way actually leftist. Rather it’s mildly reformist; capitalism with a human face, as personified in its current leader, B. Obama. As I read it, in the last quarter of the 20th century, the Democrats became the faction that used to be called Rockefeller Republicans, self-styled enlightened businessmen, willing to give a sop to the working class, accept that women are human beings, too, and build an new school or two. The Republicans, meanwhile, sunk into a retrograde swamp of reaction. The mire includes a chilling mash-up of Bible-thumpers, Birchers, disciples of Father Coughlin and other antisemites, libertarians (right anarchists), neoconservatives, Know-Nothings, and the new old South’s confederate leftovers, a fecal brew in the service of this generation’s robber barons.

Unlike Clinton, who took baby steps backwards with his wretched “triangulation,” Obama will take some baby steps forward. But real change? The point is that the system does not allow real change. After all, the “founders” didn’t want the rabble involved. Everything we’ve gotten since has come at an enormous price of blood and treasure against the system. The rotten boroughs of the Senate and the Electoral College are only a couple of the archaic constitution’s bulwarks against change. The Supreme Court, meanwhile, is returning to its historical role as safeguard of the wealthy and the policemen who protect the wealthy. Real change can’t come from within.

Put another way, the Democrats are the Mensheviks and the Republicans are the Bolsheviks of this capitalist party. Of course, intramural conflict is sometimes some of the bloodiest. Since faith in the basic economic power structure is a given, the two wings battle each other on the symbolic and cultural level. Hence the vital importance of emotion, of stories and characters, things easy to manipulate, script, and produce. Our politics are stunningly emotional, at least for some component of that proportion of people who actually partake (in the best of times, it’s barely half of the voting population, which is indicative of what a charade our democracy really is). Like advertising, the irrational appeal is essentially false, a way of making you feel a part of the action but, of course, not really anything but another cog in the machine. Historically, the irrational in politics was also the primary tool of fascism.

Republicans use greed, fear, hate, resentment, racism, and ignorance as their weapons of choice. The Democrats, so frequently hapless (remember the flailings of Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, & Kerry?) use wishy-washy hope, idealism, and dreams of a better place. Is it any wonder they are so frequently out-gunned, even though a majority of Americans agree with their mild, reformist take on capitalism’s ravages. Indeed, it’s the tanking of the economy at the hands of its corrupt masters that may propel Obama to the White House in a month.

The neighboring country of Eyeran

Is Iran going to be the October Surprise McBush needs to win one month from today? Wondered that when I saw the headline about the Iranians forcing down a plane over their airspace. Bush still has time to do more damage. And McBush has few other options, since the character issue isn't playing during an economic crisis. According to his book-banning running mate, Ms. Taliban, war is god’s will. "In’shallah" as the Ruskies Inuit tree huggers Arabs say.

Sun sets

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it.... the fifth conservative paper in town, The New York Sun, has set. Sayonara, kids! I only just got the word, so I obviously won't be missing you. Subsidized by fat cats, it made a play by icing itself with well-written cultural chitchat, but the stale cake under the sugar was avowedly Israel-first. May it presage the Likudniks’ loss of influence here in the U.S. and the end of their jones for permanent war in the Middle East.


The lunatic fringe is on the loose. And McBush is going to need every single one of them at the polls. They are his only hope. They, along with the usual voter suppression, and all the sub rosa appeals to fear, racism, and resentment. It’s going to be an ugly month. The “silent majority,” as Nixon called them, of cretins, crackers, & paranoiacs. Palin is feeding them the red meat of lies they need to grovel at their master’s feet. Gun-toting, Bible-misunderstanding, plastic-fetus-doll-clutching. Pallid as zombies and just as dead. Hollow-eyed religious psychos. Gaunt or fat, a people of surprising ugliness, for their debasement and depravity is written all over them. An incipiently fascist mob, there to be exploited. And the Republicans, who’ve based a generation of power on them, are only too eager to do so.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Das Capital

Adam Smith on another of the myths of the free-market, where profits are privatized and loses are socialized. (Don’t like it? Remember who owns the government.)

“When workers combine, masters ... never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combinations of servants, labourers, and journeymen.”

Friday, October 3, 2008


Unsurprisingly, the House has passed the emergency the-sky-is-falling $700B Wall Street Speculators Conservation Bill. Actually, it’s going to cost much more than that because of all the sweeteners and bribes they put in to buy the bad little representatives who didn’t obey their mommy and daddy the first time on Monday. Chalk another one up for the ruling (bipartisan) Business Party.


What if all those people, good solid citizens, I’m guessing, who do these innumerable charity runs for this and that disease instead ran downtown and occupied their Senator’s and Representative’s office? And demanded some serious funding for public health, for medical research, for a simple system of national health for all Americans? And demanded some reasonable health priorities instead of the Pentagon's death priorities? And demanded that we as a nation put people above corporations? Sign me up for that run, kids!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

McCain/Palin 08

John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin tells you everything you need to know about the man’s willingness to be President, as well as his readiness. The choice was short-sighted, cynical, and incompetent. For someone whose major overt claim to the office is his experience, military background, and appeal to national security, it was a disaster. He wants to put her a heartbeat (an old weak heartbeat) away from the Presidency. But of course, he’s a Republican, and his Party has been captured by the American Taliban, apocalyptic fundamentalist know-nothings who claim to be Christian, and he was desperate for their vote. The “Maverick” needs a new trademark.

And Palin herself tells you everything you need to know about contemporary American politics. She’s sold as a product summarized in little blurbs and jingles like “pitbull in lipstick,” and “hockey mom” that change like soap commercials over time. The contempt of her handlers for American democracy knows no bounds. Not that there isn’t any substance behind the marketing façade. It’s just that it’s so ugly, as grotesque as that which gets revealed when a rock is overturned. A creationist, she’s a tool of the oil industry. She’s a book banner. She’s vindictive and ready to go outside the law just like Cheney and Bush. She’s as fine a daughter of the American Taliban as the GOP’s turn to fundamentalism has produced. She proudly touts her daughter’s “choice” about her pregnancy while wishing to deny the rest of American women any choice at all in such matters.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Flame out

An excellent analysis of the "pity party" stirring in the media over the awful things that are being done to poor Sarah Palin, the erstwhile pitbull who is now revealed as a deer in the headlights. Cry me a fucking river says the author, Rebecca Traister...“When your project is reliant on gaining the support of women whose reproductive rights you would limit, whose access to birth control and sex education you would curtail, whose healthcare options you would decrease, whose civil liberties you would take away and whose children and husbands and brothers (and sisters and daughters and friends) you would send to war in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and wherever else you saw fit without actually understanding international relations, I don't feel bad for you.”