Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Re Iraq: “We went in there for a reason. Now we’ve got to finish it.” Thus a nationalist in support of John 100 Year War McCain. Evidently, nationalism is like testosterone; a surfeit of it makes you particularly stupid.

Once, long ago, Hillary Clinton modestly suggested that the Palestinians were human beings, too. In 2000, shitbags Rudy Ghouliani and Little Ricky Lazio both tried using Clinton’s smooch with Suha Arafat against her in her carpet-bagging Senate run. That failed because she had quickly retracted; she’s has been a faithful supporter of the Israeli effort to deny Palestinian statehood and, indeed, even identity, since. So her desperate attempt last night to Farrakan Obama was particularly disgusting, but then she’s learned from the pros like Rudy G. The stench of desperation surrounding her flailing campaign is getting rank.

William F. Buckley is dead. One of the last of Joe McCarthy’s buds; a Catholic nationalist who always defended his daddy’s dirty money, quite the quintessence of American conservatism. Combined with his queenly manners and his mean-spirited little magazine, he was some kinda guy. See you in hell, Billy boy.

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